Go Green With These Eco Friendly Wedding Day Hacks

Your wedding is a magical day full of celebration and love, but have you ever considered the amount of waste that can come with hosting a big party? Having a large get together means a lot of paper waste, excess food, and unnecessary trash. So if you're an eco-friendly bride, then plan an eco-friendly wedding! But how be environmentally responsible when planning a green wedding? Just utilize these eco-friendly wedding tips for the perfect dream-green wedding day.

Invitations that give back

Seed paper is having a moment right now, so utilize this for both your save the date and invitation! This is paper that can literally be planted. The seed inside creates a beautiful flower of your choice, and you can even go the extra step by giving out pots for your wedding favor to keep the plant theme going. Plus, your guests will remember your wedding every single year when the buds bloom!

A buffet dinner

Not only does a buffet dinner make it easier for the couple planning the wedding, it allows your guests to take exactly the amount of food they want that night. This means less waste all together, but it also makes it easier to compost or donate the leftovers.

Say no to paper

Even if you are planning on using reusable cutlery and plates for dinner, there are still appetizers, dessert, and the bar to think of. Make sure that you ban paper products from being served anywhere, and only use the plates, cups, cloth napkins, and dishes your venue or wedding rentals company provide.

Invest in wedding tent rentals

This is especially true if you are hosting an outdoor event, as wedding tents for rent will ensure the tent will be used multiple times down the road! The decision to buy or rent a tent has many variables, but as a rule of thumb, if the tent will be used less than three times a year, tent rentals are a better option. When you pick your tent, make sure not to forget rental chairs and tables as well. Because of the open layout of these structures, it should be easier to plan a wedding theme that incorporates natural elements.

Choose organic flowers

Unlike what most people think, not all wedding floral arrangements are organic. Choosing organic flowers will ensure they are harvested in a eco-friendly way, and chances are they will come from a local farmer, which will be great for supporting small businesses.

If you use these easy and simple eco-friendly wedding hacks, your event can be environmentally friendly What other tips do you have for throwing an eco-friendly wedding? Let us know what you think on social media.