Frame Tent Rentals in PA and surrounding states.

While pole tents fill the needs of most of our customers, there are some situations where only a frame tent will fit the bill. Frame tents, also known as clearspan structures or clearspan tents offer some unique advantages. Sometimes, tents must be secured with weights instead of driving stakes into the ground. Weighted frame tents for rent are the perfect solution in locations where a driveway cannot be penetrated or where underground utilities make it unsafe to drive stakes.

Our frame tent rentals in PA and surrounding states. are much more flexible in the ways that they can secured. They can be installed on a deck, patio or even the rooftop of a building. Frame tents have other advantages as well. They have no interior poles. This is great for construction projects where machinery must work inside the tent or events where poles would obstruct the flow of people. Frame tents also work well as weather protection for a stage at a graduation ceremony or other outdoor event with a large audience. Lighting and speakers can be hung from the aluminum beams of the tent. The front of the stage can be completely unobstructed by tent poles. All our frame tent rentals in PA and surrounding states. can also be easily raised to a taller height to cover a stage or to allow machinery to enter the tent. Some people prefer the more modern, "Euro" appearance of a frame tent.

Still not sure which type of tent you'll need? Contact us and let our representatives find the best solution for your event. Whichever type of tent you choose, rest assured that Tents For Rent will provide you with a quality tent and excellent service to make your event successful.