A Quick Guide To Food Preparation in Rental Tents

Outdoor events, from weddings to graduation parties, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Because of this, your catering company must know how to serve food without a kitchen readily available. Here is a quick guide to preparing and serving food in rental tents.

You’ll Prepare the Food Off-Site

Serving the food in event tents means you won’t have access to a kitchen during the event. This lack of kitchen access means you must prepare the food before you arrive at the venue, transport it safely, and keep it at the proper temperature.

Use insulated food pan carriers to keep food either hot or cold; you can also load them with multiple food pans of various sizes. These carriers make it much easier to transport the food while ensuring it is still hot when it is time to eat.

You’ll Have Beverage Stations

Depending on the kind of event you are serving, you will likely have a beverage station. Beverage dispensers can make serving simple drinks such as water and tea much easier, as the guests will serve themselves. You can also serve coffee from an insulated beverage dispenser or a chafer urn.

Most venues require you to hire or have professional bartenders on staff to serve guests alcohol. Unless your catering company staffs licensed bartenders, you don’t need to worry about preparing and serving alcoholic beverages at a rental tent event.

You’ll Need Serving Equipment

While vendors differ in the types of packages they offer, many include cleanup and service options of some kind. If your catering company includes these services, you’ll need the necessary items, such as serving trays and utensils.

Be sure to also bring the necessary cleaning supplies to wipe down your equipment after the event.

Serving at white event tent rentals is a great way to expand your business and work more events. With this quick guide to food preparation in rental tents, you’re well on your way to serving a successful event.